Our Services
Oasis of Hope Grief Support Group
Oasis House’s Grief Share Support Group focuses on identifying and addressing survivors’ various types of grief. Survivor grief is different than the grief experienced by someone who loses a loved one to death. Victims’ grief goes unrecognized and unacknowledged because society sees the relationship as unnecessary and something victims should “get over” or ignore. It is this thinking that often causes victims to suffer silently and in fear of being ridiculed.
Safety Planning
No matter what point in the healing process a woman is, safety is critical. Each woman we work with receives a safety plan that is customized to her specific needs. We carefully assess each woman’s situation and provide steps and resources to help them remain safe physically and emotionally.
From understanding what triggers feelings of being unsafe to helping identify safety risks, we desire for each woman we assist to understand that safety requires planning.
Food and Essential Items Assistance
Leaving your abuser requires great bravery, and most times when women leave, it is in a hurry and with the bare minimum. This leaves women to survive with the clothes they’re wearing and small items they can grab as they leave. Our program gives women room to breathe so they can focus on healing. To get help, call (330) 842-4479.
We provide nonperishable foods, hygiene items, baby products, feminine products, clothing, and more.
Judicial and Healthcare System Advocacy
Navigating our state and federal systems can be a daunting task. While we do not offer legal advice, we are able to appear in court with victims and help them prepare for their case(s). This includes assisting with the writing of victim impact statements, completing paperwork, and determining next steps in your safety and health care. If necessary, victims can give power of attorney for us to contact insurance and medical service providers on their behalf.
How Do I Know if Oasis of Hope is Right for Me?
Survivors’ grief is different than the grief experienced by someone who loses a loved one to death. Oasis House’s Grief Share Support group focuses on identifying and addressing intimate partner violence victims’ points of grief.
Most survivors experience what is known as disenfranchised grief, a term coined by Dr. Ken Doka in 1989. This is grief that “either is not or cannot be openly acknowledged, socially validated, or publicly supported. It includes non-death losses, loss of health, loss of stability, loss of innocence from abuse and neglect, and loss of relationship with a loved one who is not a blood relative. Victims’ grief goes unrecognized and unacknowledged because society sees the relationship as unnecessary and something victims should “get over” or ignore. It is this thinking that often causes victims to suffer silently and in fear of being ridiculed.
Whether a woman went through abuse at a young age, or is currently in an abusive relationship, the associated grief is often overlooked or deemed inconsequential. If you have ever been in a position where your feelings have been downplayed, or if you currently struggle to get help expressing the pain associate with losses related to your abuse, we encourage you to enroll in Oasis of Hope. It is FREE for all participants.